What is Upneeq?

Upneeq is a first of its kind, once-a-day FDA approved eyedrop that lifts your upper eyelids up to 1 millimeter.

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What Causes Droopy Eyelids?

Acquired ptosis (low-lying lids) is a common condition which can affect adults of all ages, but occurs more often with increased age. Ptosis usually occurs when the muscles in the eyelid stretch and weaken, causing the lid to droop. The condition may be caused by other issues, such as cataract surgery, contact lens wear, or an underlying medical condition.

Patients may not bring up concerns about low-lying lids because they:

  • May hesitate to bring up an “appearance” concern
  • Do not know the cause may be a medical condition
  • May think there are no topical prescription treatment options

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What can Upneeq do for you?

Upneeq lifts the upper eyelids quickly and safely. Most patients experience an immediate effect after using the drops. The effect of the product then peaks around two hours. In addition to lifting the upper lids and opening the eye, Upneeq also significantly improves upper field vision.
If you are interested in a non-surgical solution to open your eyes and lift the upper lids, please contact us in Westlake Village today!

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$50 off Botox for New Patients

New patients can save $50 off Botox treatment and $100 off a syringe of filler. 

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