Dr. Mirela Cernaianu encourages that you treat your skin well! Bring skin wellness treatments home with these innovative products. Questions? Contact the Hera Beauty & Wellness team in the Westlake Village area of Thousand Oaks.
How do PRP treatments work?
At Hera Beauty & Wellness we can combine PRP with microneedling or other laser treatments, to enhance your skin’s remodeling and rejuvenation process. This type of PRP skin care treatment is called a PRP facial, and it can make a big difference in the way that your skin looks and feels. For a traditional PRP facial, Dr. Cernaianu uses the Collagen Percutaneous Induction Needling (P.I.N.) device by Induction Therapies® that simplifies consistent microneedling. The pen-like device makes micro-injuries in your skin’s surface that your skin must heal. With a PRP application, this healing process is faster and more effective.
We are excited to introduce our most up-to-date technology that uses consistent delivery into the skin of the PRP – the Potenza® radiofrequency microneedling device. The procedure is very similar to traditional microneedling but adds heat to your skin with gentle radiofrequency energy. The heat stimulates the production of new collagen fibers to firm your skin. Adding PRP speeds up and enhances the treatment even more. The Potenza now has the fusion tip, allowing the delivery of PRP directly into the skin with each application of the laser tip, allowing for a very uniform and consistent delivery of PRP all throughout the area of treatment. Goodbye, multiple needles punctures and inconsistent results!