man and woman in bed with white sheets covering them

Many women are not able to enjoy intimacy as they expect to, and many suffer in silence, not comfortable sharing their discomfort, pain, or lack of satisfaction with either their partner, their close friends or their medical providers. If you are one of these women, this article is for you!

It is important for women and their partners to know and understand how the female anatomy works. The vulva is composed of the labia majora covered by skin – the larger skin folds, which usually cover the labia minora, the softer butterfly like folds that guard the vaginal entrance. The vaginal “mucosa” is actually skin not mucosa, but it is softer and more delicate as it is not keratinized like the skin on the surface of the body. The clitoris sits on top of the vulva covered by a hood of thin skin and it is very sensitive due to an abundance of nerve endings. It also has 2 branches that extend on each side of the vulva. The clitoris, similar to a penis, will swell, enlarge and become more sensitive as a person becomes more sexually aroused, ultimately leading to a clitoral orgasm.

Is there a G Spot?

Is there a G spot – what is it and where can you find it? It is an erogenous area of the vagina that, when stimulated, may lead to strong sexual arousal, powerful orgasms and potential female ejaculation. There’s some debate among sex researchers as to whether the G-spot even exists—at least in terms of an actual physical “spot” somewhere in the female anatomy. It is typically reported to be located 3-8 cm (1–3 in) inside the vagina, on the front (anterior) vaginal wall and is a more sensitive area that might feel more textured when aroused than the rest of the vaginal canal.

Couple smiling and laying on bed

What is an orgasm and why is it important to have one? The orgasm is widely regarded as the peak of sexual excitement. It is a powerful feeling of physical pleasure and sensation, which includes a discharge of the accumulated erotic tension. Many people feel that orgasm is a requirement for happy, meaningful and/or fulfilling sex. Some people also feel that orgasms should be reserved for sex, as opposed to experiencing orgasm during masturbation. Orgasm is great, but feeling pressure to have an orgasm, or a certain type of orgasm at a certain time, can make sex stressful and unpleasant. Many women experience sexual dissatisfaction or dysfunction and many don’t like talking about it. Sexual dysfunction can affect women at any age, but it is more common over the age of 40 as there are changes associated with aging that affect the vaginal and vulvar tissues. Also, after the 40s, the vulvar and vaginal tissues and skin will start to deteriorate with aging. They will suffer changes like thinning and dryness and a loss in elasticity, making intercourse less pleasurable without use of additional lubrication. As the aging skin changes continue, they will be compounded by the loss of Estrogen with menopause, and eventually the lubricating agents will fail to help reduce discomfort, and women will have more and more difficulty being aroused and achieving orgasm, and might barely be able to tolerate vaginal intercourse.

Please seek help as soon as possible. The earlier the changes of the sensitive intimate tissues are addressed the faster we can restore normal sexual satisfaction. Let’s talk about what is available to help prevent or resolve changes due to aging.

How to Help Restore and Improve Sexual Satisfaction

  • Maintain a healthy body and avoid use of alcohol or medications that can interfere with your sexual health like antidepressants, anti-psychotics, sedatives, etc.
  • Exercise regularly as exercise releases dopamine and it elevates your mood and increases your stamina during sexual activity.
  • Consider yoga as certain poses help channel the body’s sexual energy and improve sexual function.
woman doing yoga next to water
  • Allow time for leisure activities and relaxation.
  • Practice mindfulness as it helps increase your awareness and participation in the moment, and it helps you focus on the experience at hand rather than letting your thoughts wonder.
  • Understand your body and your personal sexual response, gather information and communicate openly with your partner and your provider when you need help.
  • Use a lubricant like Pre-Seed (water-based) or similar, DHEA based creams, or natural oils like coconut or olive oil.
  • Addressing hormonal decline as it happens can help prevent serious changes in lubrication, as well as restore quickly the ability to get and maintain being aroused and reach a climax. Both Estrogen and Testosterone are crucial for vulvar/vaginal health and sexual satisfaction.
  • Continued regular intimacy and sexual activity with your partner can help maintain moisture and sensitivity of the vulvar and vaginal skin.
  • Personal use devices when you are single and not in a relationship, or when sexual intimacy is not very frequent, will help maintain vaginal patency and functionality and will prevent a decrease in skin health and quality.
  • Last but not least, Laser technology is proven to help improve vaginal laxity, vulvar and vaginal skin thinning and dryness, address painful intercourse due to vulvodynia, help with recurrent vaginal infections and inflammation by restoring glycogen producing vaginal cells that maintain a healthy vaginal environment and more. With many technologies on the market like RF (radiofrequency), Cryo-RF (Viveve), CO2 (MonaLisa Touch or similar), Er:YAG (FOTONA) it is hard to choose and if the practice only offers one technology then that is what they will promote.

The Fotona Device addresses Vaginal Laxity in the photo below – a transparent speculum is used in this type of treatment.

At HERA Health Care, we are dedicated to making the treatment of sexual dissatisfaction/dysfunction a priority, and we offer all the above-mentioned Laser technologies. We provide a clear path to sexual satisfaction for all of our patients, as we also combine laser technology with home use devices and hormonal therapy local or systemic. We are also honest and manage expectations. We do not want our patients to commit to any treatment without completely understanding pros and cons, alternative options, possible side effects, cost and likelihood or not of achieving a successful result.

Feel free to call a member of our team for more information.
Hera Health Care
910 Hampshire Road Suite A
Thousand Oaks, CA 91361.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your healthcare provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that you have read on this blog, website or in any linked materials.


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