smiling woman with sunglasses on her head and a city in the background

The medical community continually looks for new hair loss and skin care treatments for their patients. One of the latest is a platelet-rich plasma treatment.

The first step in creating platelet-rich plasma is by using a centrifuge to separate a patient’s blood, concentrating the platelets in with the plasma–the liquid part of blood. Platelets develop in our bone marrow and circulate in our blood, where they can bind together–or clot–to repair damaged tissue or blood vessels and keep us from bleeding excessively.

For Hair Loss

Approximately 50 million men and 30 million women experience loss of their hair–especially over the age of 50. Some people also develop alopecia, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss

During treatment for hair loss, the physician uses the patient’s extracted platelet-rich plasma and injects it into the patient’s scalp to heal the scalp tissue and follicles, allowing new hair growth.

The studies since 2011 indicate a high success rate for using PRP in treating hair loss without any significant side effects. Individuals who have had the treatment have had varied results from the PRP injections based on their blood platelet levels, hair health, and the patient’s overall health.

For Skin Care Treatments

The use of PRP treatments in dermatology has also been increasing. Patients need and desire treatments for wound healing, scars, tissue regeneration, and skin rejuvenating. Dermatologists found that using PRP could stimulate collagen growth and help the body heal.

woman looking in mirror

PRP skin treatment procedures can include micro-needling, microneedling with radiofrequency, or with dermal laser treatments.

Aesthetic professionals can use the micro-needling process by spreading a patient’s platelet-rich plasma across the forehead and cheeks. When the specialist applies the micro-needles across these areas, a series of tiny holes using sterile needles allow the plasma to be absorbed. The process stimulates collagen growth and enhances the skin’s appearance.

With microneedling-radiofrequency treatments such as (Morpheus or Potenza), or with dermal laser treatments PRP may be smoothed on to treated skin for faster healing. Studies on the effectiveness of PRP have been encouraging.

Aesthetic injections like hyaluronic acid fillers or neuromodulators (like Botox) are used in areas of skin that have deeper wrinkles and lines, or a loss of facial structure. PRP injections can improve appearances too, making the patient’s skin look fuller, tighter, and smoother. Learn more about Potenza and


The procedure seems safe if the blood products are handled with care by the attending expert. Practitioners must keep the blood in sterile conditions to prevent infection from contaminants. Patients have experienced bruising and swelling, but that goes away a few days after the treatments. 

Platelet-Rich Plasma treatment therapy is a rapidly growing field. Since the patient uses their blood for the treatments, it is not considered a drug by the FDA, but the FDA has not officially approved the procedures for some uses. As a result, most insurance companies do not cover the expense.

The studies are continuing, and the PRP treatment therapies provide exciting new hope for many patients who may have been without options before.

PRP Combined Treatments in Ventura County

HERA Healthcare is proud to offer PRP combined treatments for aesthetic and wellness issues. We always recommend you come in for a consultation so we can 1) learn about your specific wellness needs and 2) come up with a treatment plan customized for you.

Interested in Hair Restoration in Thousand Oaks?

The FOTONA laser treatment is available for both men & women alike. If hair loss has been ongoing and getting worse in the past 8 years you can expect a 60-75% improvement. Usually 6-8 sessions are needed and done at intervals of 2 weeks. A treatment session lasts 20-30 min, no numbing is necessary. Treatment is painless and can be enhanced with PRP application. If hair loss is something you struggle with, come see us for a hair restoration consultation: expect us to order comprehensive blood testing, including hormones. After results are reviewed, we recommend a detailed treatment plan including supplements, hormonal support, so you can maintain the benefits obtained from the laser sessions!


Hair Restoration with Fotona
Hair Restoration with Fotona


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