Female and Male sexuality is highly complex. A woman’s sexual health relies on her physical, emotional, mental, and social wellness throughout her life. As women age, the sexual response becomes challenging due to the many life factors that change during post-menopause. As men age and chronic disease develops their testosterone declines and ability to maintain an erection and their sexual desire can be impaired. If the couple is in sync and they both experience these issues and mutually decide their life together does not need to involve sexual intercourse, or can be limited to sexual intimacy then no further steps need to be taken. However for the couples where one partner has a strong or normal desire for intimacy and the other does not or cannot sustain intercourse or intimacy due to pain, loss of hormones, or loss of desire please keep reading – there is help available.
Population studies suggest a decline in sexual functioning for women through aging and the menopausal transition. Estrogen loss appears to be the main contributing component to the fall. However, health care professionals should not ignore a woman’s other sexual functioning factors.
A sexual wellness consideration often overlooked in post-menopausal women are her testosterone levels. The health care community refers to androgens as a male hormone, but the female body produces a significant amount. Women’s ovaries, adrenal glands, fat cells, and skin cells produce the female body’s supply.
Why is testosterone important for a woman’s sexual well-being? It is the main driver of a woman’s sexual desire. It is also super important for her general drive, ambition, stamina, exercise endurance and recovery, muscle and bone mass maintenance, mental clarity and last but not at all least – her mood! Women that have higher Testosterone levels have less or no depression, are much less irritable and tend to be tolerated stress better.
The Role of Testosterone
Why is testosterone important for a woman’s sexual well-being? It is the main driver of a woman’s sexual desire. It is also super important for her general drive, ambition, stamina, exercise endurance and recovery, muscle and bone mass maintenance, mental clarity and last but not at all least – her mood! Women that have higher Testosterone levels have less or no depression, are much less irritable and tend to be tolerated stress better.

Women may want to discuss hormone replacement therapy of estrogen and androgen levels with their treating medical professional. Be aware there may be health risks for some women, and not everyone qualifies or tolerates Testosterone replacement due to their bodies converting it to a metabolite called DHT (Dihydro-testosterone). This metabolite will increase hair shedding and receding hair line, can increase hair growth on the body and predispose to acne. There are medications and natural products like saw palmetto that can block these unwanted side effects, and in the majority of women that love Testosterone replacement these side effects are minor.
Women can take steps to control their sexual health after menopause personally. Every post-menopausal woman can benefit from basic health needs whether they are sexually active or not.
An exercise program can help support overall health in women. By taking an active role in personal health and wellness, women can increase their energy, improve their moods, and have a better body image. Pelvic floor exercises and yoga can also increase blood flow to the vaginal area and strengthen the muscles associated with orgasms.
Women often develop nutritional deficiencies as they age, affecting energy levels. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can energize all areas of a woman’s life. Using vitamins that work, that are proven to actually help is also important. Consider checking your vitamin score – call us for details.
Adequate sleep is crucial to post-menopausal women. Sleep disturbances become more common as we age and cause fatigue, sexual dysfunction, anxiety, and depression. Changes in hormones and the side effects of hormonal reduction can cause significant sleep disturbances.

Some prescribed medications may curb female sexual responses. It is estimated that between 30-40% of women in United States are on SSRIs – anti-depressant medications. These can significantly decrease sexual desire in women and prevent them from achieving an orgasm. All women can discuss potential side effects of their medicines with their physicians or pharmacists if they feel their sexual reaction has changed. There are alternatives.
Smoking, drugs, and alcohol are detrimental to aging bodies because the use of these substances can reduce blood flow and change bodily responses. Abstaining from these behaviors can enhance the life of a post-menopausal woman significantly.
For women of post-menopausal age who wish to have sex, it is vital to take more time to become aroused and have sex more often, or at least on a regular basis. Increased moisture from sexual response protects the vaginal tissue and makes the act much more enjoyable.
Most women experience some changes in sexual function as they age, but it does not mean the end of a woman’s sex life. There are just as many strategies and treatments as there are changes.
- Address and replace low sex hormones – estrogen and testosterone.
- Address sleep, possible fatigue and increase physical activity and consider yoga
- Consider vaginal lubricants, vaginal estrogen or DHEA to help with dryness
- Viagra and similar meds can help erectile dysfunction and arousal issues
- Vaginal dilators or medical home use devices that are proven to improve vaginal health – for more info or to buy click here.
- Address medical problems like vulvodynia, Lichen sclerosus, Interstitial Cystitis etc, that cause and contribute to uncomfortable or painful sex
- Laser Therapies like MonaLisa Touch, Viveve, Vitalia, or Fotona treatments that greatly improve vaginal and vulvar dryness and elasticity and restore sexual pleasure and enjoyment.
Join HERA Healthcare for an amazing event this March 10 in Westlake Village featuring some of the most effective and innovative intimacy wellness treatments, proven to improve not just your sexual wellbeing but also ease urinary problems. RSVP by March 4 .
Sexual problems warrant treatment only if troublesome to the woman or their partner. Examining relationships and addressing them involves open and honest communication between partners.
Education of both healthcare professionals and patients is essential. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a healthy relationship, and individualized treatments for any undesired symptoms will significantly impact women’s empowerment and sexual health.