couple walking on the beach holding hands

Every January 1st, people across the world look for ways to improve themselves, their lives, and their relationships. This often includes relationships with the people we love the most — our partners.

If you want to strengthen your bond with your significant other, 2022 could be your year. Here are a few tips to help make it happen.

Touch More

Most of us have very busy lives: work, kids, social commitments, the list goes on. These things often get in the way of our connection with our partner — especially when it comes to physical intimacy.

Even if you don’t have time to “become sexually intimate” every day, you do have time to show your affection in a physical way. Even a simple squeeze of the hand or quick back rub goes a long way to build a stronger bond!

touch more

Keep in Contact

They say that “absence makes the heart grow fonder,” but a long work day away from your partner can also make you feel disconnected. This is why it’s important to keep in touch with your partner throughout the day.

Send the occasional text or lunchtime phone call to catch up with your sweetheart. This will help you both stay in each other’s minds (and each other’s hearts) even on the busiest days at the office.

On the other hand, be aware of his/her busy schedule and be considerate that interrupting their work rhythm for trivial matters could be annoying, but the occasional “I miss you”, or “I have been thinking about you” or “Looking forward to seeing you tonight” will most likely be endearing and very well received.

Unplug Occasionally

While a check-in text or call is great when you and your partner can’t be together, make sure you turn the phone off when you finally get some face time. It is disrespectful and annoying to your partner when you pick up the phone for other matters – unless it is an emergency and you make it clear it is.

Electronic-free time does two things: it keeps your attention on the present moment and it opens opportunities for deeper conversation. When you’re not busy with emails, apps, and the other distractions electronics offer, you can REALLY connect with the ones you love.

Try Something New

Making memories together is a great way for two people to build a connection. After all, that’s what you and your partner did at the start of your relationship! Therefore, another way to build intimacy with your sweetheart is to try something new.

Luckily, the new year is the perfect opportunity to explore a new hobby or a new experience with your loved one. Celebrate New Year’s Eve in a city you’ve never been to before. Sign up for a new class together. Before you know it, you’ll feel closer together (and maybe have a cool new skill)!

Put Some “Spark” in Your Schedule

You might be thinking, “When will I have time to take a class or go on vacation? I’m BUSY!” Trust me, we get it. If mixing up your routine is completely out of the norm, there is something else you can do: lean into your schedule.

Add some special moments to your daily routine, like a cup of coffee together each morning or a weekly date night. Scheduling these moments ensures you won’t miss them, and the routine will make these special activities you share extra comforting.

Ultimately, the best way to strengthen intimacy with your partner is to make time for them in your life. Whether that means trying something new, scheduling date night, waking up earlier for a together cup of coffee or something else, or simply remembering to give them a smooch as you head out the door, you and your partner will feel more loved from the effort you both put in.

couple stand near lake looking at view

Let’s Talk Sex

Ok, let’s talk about the elephant in the room—sex. As we outlined, intimacy in relationships is a combination of many factors and sex is just one of them. But we cannot overlook it as it’s still a significant component for healthy relationships.

Let’s talk about a few reasons why sex could no longer be enjoyable for a woman.

If you experience vaginal laxity (or vaginal “looseness”) sex may not even feel pleasurable anymore, but you go through the motions anyway – your partner will eventually pick up on the fact sex is not the same to you and he might be too tactful or not want to mention it. Maybe your libido is significantly decreased and you are finding excuses on avoiding sex and your partner started complaining.

Checking your hormones and addressing factors that contribute to loss of sexual desire like stress, fatigue and loss of attraction could be where you start. At HERA Health Care we can help you balancing or replacing hormones that are low, and in the case of vaginal laxity we have laser technology that can help enhance sexual satisfaction and provide improvement in this area.

If you are over age 45 and have dryness and loss of lubrication, and are experiencing vaginal atrophy—thinning and drying of the vaginal walls—sex may even be painful! Fortunately, modern technology through the use of lasers have helped women not just tolerate sex without pain, but also regain their sexual pleasure.

hands peeling orange

At HERA Healthcare, we offer various treatments, and you can click here for more info. We have 4 different non-invasive and cutting-edge laser technologies that safely and effectively address these common issues. The treatment sessions are painless and satisfaction rate is over 90% for all laser treatments.

Please make an appointment for a consultation to see if you are a candidate for treatment, and which laser technology would provide best results and improvement for your specific condition. Call us at 805-379-9110.


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